Friday, December 14, 2012

Our mother Hazrat Aisha (as), a superior muslim woman - Wp

Hazrat Aisha (ra) was the wife of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saas)
and the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), the first caliph of Islam.
As the wife of our Prophet (saas), Hazrat Aisha (ra) is known
as"ummul-muminun," meaning "the mother of the believers" and as
thedaughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), she is known by the title
of"as-Siddiqa" meaning "the devoted". She was born in Mecca in 614.
With her superior qualities, such as intelligence, her powerful
faith, wise speech and profound understanding of the Qur'an and our
Prophet (saas), all bestowed on her by Allah, she is an exemplary
Muslim for all believers.
ADNAN OKTAR: Our mother Hazrat Aisha ( ra )was beautiful and
highlyintelligent. She was very courageous, as was our mother Hazrat
Hafsa ( ra ). They were the most splendid people. Many hadiths and
other accounts have come down to us through them. They are our mothers
and had a perfect understanding of Islam. Our Prophet (saas) loved
them, and they loved our Prophet (saas). Both are manifestations of
Allah. May Allah lavish goodness upon them. Masha'Allah. (Adnan
Oktar's live interview on HarunYahya.TV (11 August 2010))
The Moral Values of Hazrat Aisha (ra)
Hazrat Aisha (ra) was educated in early childhood by her father,
Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), the first caliph of Islam. Her marriage to our
Prophet (saas) led to further moral and intellectual growth, maturity
and depth. Our mother Hazrat Aisha (ra) becamea Muslim at an early
age,and with her modesty, determination, generosity and a character
devoid of arrogance and refusal tospeak badly of anyone she was a wise
role model for all Muslims. Because of her sincere faith and purity,
she wasable to act in line with Allah's approval, that which is really
Hadiths Addressed to ourMother Hazrat Aisha ( ra)
Some of the hadiths addressed to our motherHazrat Aisha (ra) and
quoted in the Ramuz al-Ahadith read as follows:
"O Aisha, Allah is He Who treats His servants with blessings. He loves
gentle behavior in all matters."
"O Aisha, gentleness and patience beautify and adorn wherever they
arefound and reduce the beauty of whatever theyare lifted from."
"O Aisha, backbiting is relating a Muslim's defect behind his back.
But if the flaw in question does not exist in him, then you have
slandered our Muslim brother. And slander is a worse sin than
ADNAN OKTAR: The cleanliness, purity and blessed nature of our mother
Hazrat Aisha ( ra )are praised in the Qur'an. And that is that. Do not
say anything to me after that. Or I will refuse to listen and will
answer you harshly. Let me tell you. My criterion is the Qur'an. Since
she ispraised in the Qur'an, that is the end of it. I have no interest
in this person hearing something from there orthat person from someone
else. Anyone can say what they like, insha'Allah. If she is praised in
the Qur'an, that is that. Why should Ibelieve anyone else? Look,
Almighty Allah says, " Why, when you heard it, did you not, as men and
women of the believers, instinctively think good thoughts andsay,
'This is obviously a lie'? ." This is a full clarification of the
immaculate nature of our mother Hazrat Aisha (ra). It shows her whole
life was immaculate and any statements against her can thus be seen to
have no truth to them. They can all be seen to be false. Let me also
explicitly set that out. Our other blessed mothers, our mothers who
related hadiths, these are blessed people...(12 September 2010 Kanal
Our Mother Hazrat Aisha ( ra) says…
Young people from the time of the devout Muslims who had spokenwith
the Prophet Muhammad's (saas) Companions and learnedfrom them, came to
our mother Hazrat Aisha (ra) and asked her about the moral values of
Rasulullah (saas). She said: "His moral values were those of the
Qur'an. He approved of that which the Holy Qur'an approves of. And he
disapproved of and avoided what the Qur'andisapproves of."
"When Rasulullah (saas) had to choose between two things, he would
take the easier, so long as it was not sinful. But when it was sinful,
he avoided it more than anyone else. Rasulullah (saas) never sought
revenge for his own personal desire."

Our mother Hazrat Aisha's (ra) knowledge - Wp

Although Hazrat Aisha (ra) was still very young when our beloved
Prophet (saas) died, she was one of those who best knew, understood
and committed to memory the Holy Qur'anand the Sunna of our Prophet
(saas). Hazrat Aisha (ra) began memorizing the Qur'an from an early
age and made enthusiastic use ofour Prophet's (saas) learning.
Leading members of the community in both the time of the Prophet's
(saas) Companions, and of those who had spoken to and learned from
them, sought Hazrat Aisha's (ra) adviceon a great many matters.Many
jurists consulted with our mother Hazrat Aisha (ra) in order to
benefit from her legal knowledge.
Hazrat Aisha (ra) used Arabic very well, and due to her clear and
accessible way of speaking and the way she preached in the manner most
suited to the person concerned, she had a great impact on those to
whom she spoke.
In addition to being our Prophet's (saas) wife, Hazrat Aisha (ra) was
also a worthy student of his, and occupies a special place in the
field of learning. She corrected errors made by many scholars in the
field of canonical jurisprudence and issued perfect interpretations of
a number of hadiths. Hazrat Umar (ra) always sought the opinions of
Hazrat Aisha (ra) on legalissues regarding women. This learning onthe
part of our mother Hazrat Aisha (ra) is related as followes in Islamic
reference sources:
Abu Musa al-Ash'ari says:"When we had difficulty understanding a
hadith from Rasulullah (saas), we would ask Hazrat Aisha (ra) what it
meant and we always received an answer from her ". (
Hazrat Urve says of Hazrat Aisha (ra) that, "I never saw a woman more
learned than Hazrat Aisha (ra) in the fields of canonical
jurisprudence, medicine and poetry."
Ata bin Abî Rebâh said,"Hazrat Aisha (ra) was one of the members of
the Ummah with the best knowledge of religious law and who held the
very soundest opinions."
Because of her remarkable memory and her close attention to every
move made by our Prophet (saas), the information provided byour mother
Hazrat Aisha (ra) is of the greatest value. Hazrat Aisha (ra), one of
the Companions who related most hadiths, handed down atotal of 2,210
hadiths from our Prophet (saas).
Hazrat Aisha's (ra) Contribution to the Spread of Islam
Following the death of the Prophet Muhammad (saas), our mother Hazrat
Aisha's (ra) house in Medina became a center of learning wheremany
people, great and small, would come to listen to her. In this way, she
had the opportunity to spread and transmit Islamic moral values in the
most effective way.
Hazrat Aisha's (ra) wise speech and her deep love of and devotion to
our Lord and our Prophet (saas) were instrumental in her having a
considerable impact on the people she spoke to.
Our mother Hazrat Aisha (ra) took a close interest in women's
education and schooling right fromthe time when our Prophet (saas) was
still alive. Thus she herself and the students she taught became clear
models showing that women needed to be actively involved in learning.
Our mother Hazrat Aisha (ra) died in Medina on Tuesday, the 17th day
of Ramadan, in the year 676.
Hadiths handed down from our mother Hazrat Aisha (ra)
"The Messenger of Allah (saas) preferred others' desires over his
own." (Muhammed Yusuf Kandehlevi, The Islamic Life of the Prophet
Muhammad and His People, Vol. 1, Sentez Press, Essential Works Series:
2/1, p. 297 (Targib, V/148; Bayhaqi from Hazrat Aisha (as))
"He did not speak his words fast and one afterthe other; his words
were few and to the point." (al-Fawaid, Hujjatal-Islam, Imam Gazali,
Ihya' Ulum al-Din, Vol. 2, Trans. Dr. Sittki Gulle, Huzur Press,
Istanbul 1998, p. 800)
"The blessed one's words were carefully chosen. Everyone who heard
them understood." (G. Ahmed Ziyauddin, Ramuz al-Ahadith, Vol. 2,
GoncaPress, Istanbul, 1997, 521/4)
"When Rasulullah (saas) saw a thing he liked, he said, "Thanks be to
Allah that pure things come from His blessing alone." ( The Six
Books/7095 )
"He was the gentlest, themost generous and the most smiling of faces
toward women."


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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