Peacock spider or Glidingspider (Maratus volans) is confined to
eastern parts of Australia (Queensland, New South Wales).
Although tiny, male spiders have an iridescent colouring of red, green
and blue. Females are dull, brown drab coloured creatures.
Mature spiders are small with a length of between 4 and 5 mm.
The brilliant colouring is not just for decoration. The peacock spider
has earned its name when he courts with his mate.
He raises his abdomen vertically, expands his flaps and displays them
like a peacock's tail. He also raises his third legs which have a
brush of black bristles and the white-tipped ends.
While vibrating his raised legs and tail, he starts dancing from side
to side or rolls as a sailoras he approaches the female.
Altogether a spectacular courtship dance. After mating the male
repeats the performance and dancing with other females.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Biographies Prophets - Prophets Hud and Salih
Since their purpose was often the same, the stories of many of the
prophets are very similar. They wereall raised up among their own
people, to warn their people against their sinful ways and warn of
Allah 's pending punishment. Theirmessage was the same, to worship
Allah and heed the words of His prophet. The prophets emphasized that
they had nothing to gain from their people; that they were merely
conveying Allah's message.And all the prophets were deeply
compassionate men, who became frustrated that so few heeded their
words, but who never stopped trying to convey Allah's message,until
the people's deeds exceeded limits set by Allah.�
The response to each prophet's message was also very similar. A very
small number of his people would heed his message and follow his
advice. But most of his community would refuse to listen. They would
say that their prophet was crazy. They would laugh athim, scorn his
followers, and threaten him. They would challenge him to bring on the
punishment with which he was always threatening them. But only Allah
knew when the punishment would strike and what it would be. When the
punishment did strike, the prophet and his believers would be saved,
and all the nonbelievers would be destroyed.
The type of punishment differed: it was a great flood at the time of
Nuh ( Peace be upon him ) and a shower of brimstones among the people
of Lut ( Peace be upon him ). In this issue we will see whathappened
to the people ofthe prophet Hud ( Peace beupon him ) and the people of
the prophet Salih ( Peace be upon him ). Thesetwo prophets are not
mentioned in the Bible.
Hud (pronounced "who'd")( Peace be upon him ) was a member of the 'Ad
(rhymes with "rod") tribe, a powerful Arab tribe which lived in the
southern Arabian peninsula. (Muhajir, A.M.R. 1975. Lessons from the
Stories of the Quran , Sh. Muhammed Ashraf, Lahore, Pakistan, pp
45-46). They were descendants of Nuh ( Peace be upon him ). They were
tall in stature and were skilful builders. They were all
idol-worshippers. The prophet Hud ( Peace be upon him ) was raised up
to bring them back to the worship of Allah.
Hud's ( Peace be upon him ) message and his people'sreaction to it
followed the usual pattern. They called him an idiot and a liar. He
implored them to listen to him, but they rejected him.And so Allah
sent down Histerrible penalty, from which only Hud ( Peace be upon him
) and his followers were saved. The penalty in this case was a great
wind which destroyed everything in itspath. It raged for seven nights
and eight days, and when it had passed, nothing could be seen but the
ruins of the houses. It picked the people up and flung them to the
Nothing and nobody couldwithstand its force. Thus was the tribe of Ad,
a powerful nation of skilful and intelligent people, destroyed because
it would not listen to its prophet.
The tribe of Thamud existed about 200 years after the tribe of 'Ad.
They lived in an area which is now near the border between Syria and
Arabia. They carved their homes out of rocks. Some of those rock
habitations, called asalib, are still in existence (Muhajir, pp
49-50). They are often mentioned in the Qur'an inconjunction with the
tribe of Ad. The prophet who was sent to them was named Salih ( Peace
be upon him ).�
Salih ( Peace be upon him ),too, had only a very small band of
followers. The remaining townspeople were very much against Salih (
Peace be upon him ) and his teachings. A group of them were even
plotting to secretly do away with Salih ( Peace be upon him ), but
that was not part of Allah's plan so the plot failed.
A sign of Salih's ( Peace be upon him ) prophethood was sent by Allah
to the people of Thamud in the form of a she-camel. Salih ( Peace be
upon him ) instructed the people of Thamud to allow the camel to
pasture freely and to have its share of water. It was when they killed
the camel that they overstepped the limits placed by Allah, and their
destruction was inevitable.Salih ( Peace be upon him ) foretold that
within three days of having slain the camel disaster would come upon
them. It is not clear exactly what the disaster was. Some sort of
earthquake activity and some storms are mentioned. But the result was
the total destruction of the people of Thamud, with the exception of
Salih( Peace be upon him ) and his followers.
Thus we see again in the stories of these two prophets, Hud ( Peace be
upon him ) and Salih ( Peace be upon him ), how two powerful nations
were totally destroyed, because they did not heed Allah's warning.
Only the faithful were saved.�
You can read about Hud ( Peace be upon Him ) in theQur'an, Sura
7:65-72, Sura 11: 50-60, Sura 26:123-140, Sura 41:15-16, Sura
46:21-26, Sura 51:41-42, Sura 54:18-21, Sura 69:6-8, andSura 89:6-8.
You can read about Salih (Peace be upon Him ) in the Qur'an, Sura
prophets are very similar. They wereall raised up among their own
people, to warn their people against their sinful ways and warn of
Allah 's pending punishment. Theirmessage was the same, to worship
Allah and heed the words of His prophet. The prophets emphasized that
they had nothing to gain from their people; that they were merely
conveying Allah's message.And all the prophets were deeply
compassionate men, who became frustrated that so few heeded their
words, but who never stopped trying to convey Allah's message,until
the people's deeds exceeded limits set by Allah.�
The response to each prophet's message was also very similar. A very
small number of his people would heed his message and follow his
advice. But most of his community would refuse to listen. They would
say that their prophet was crazy. They would laugh athim, scorn his
followers, and threaten him. They would challenge him to bring on the
punishment with which he was always threatening them. But only Allah
knew when the punishment would strike and what it would be. When the
punishment did strike, the prophet and his believers would be saved,
and all the nonbelievers would be destroyed.
The type of punishment differed: it was a great flood at the time of
Nuh ( Peace be upon him ) and a shower of brimstones among the people
of Lut ( Peace be upon him ). In this issue we will see whathappened
to the people ofthe prophet Hud ( Peace beupon him ) and the people of
the prophet Salih ( Peace be upon him ). Thesetwo prophets are not
mentioned in the Bible.
Hud (pronounced "who'd")( Peace be upon him ) was a member of the 'Ad
(rhymes with "rod") tribe, a powerful Arab tribe which lived in the
southern Arabian peninsula. (Muhajir, A.M.R. 1975. Lessons from the
Stories of the Quran , Sh. Muhammed Ashraf, Lahore, Pakistan, pp
45-46). They were descendants of Nuh ( Peace be upon him ). They were
tall in stature and were skilful builders. They were all
idol-worshippers. The prophet Hud ( Peace be upon him ) was raised up
to bring them back to the worship of Allah.
Hud's ( Peace be upon him ) message and his people'sreaction to it
followed the usual pattern. They called him an idiot and a liar. He
implored them to listen to him, but they rejected him.And so Allah
sent down Histerrible penalty, from which only Hud ( Peace be upon him
) and his followers were saved. The penalty in this case was a great
wind which destroyed everything in itspath. It raged for seven nights
and eight days, and when it had passed, nothing could be seen but the
ruins of the houses. It picked the people up and flung them to the
Nothing and nobody couldwithstand its force. Thus was the tribe of Ad,
a powerful nation of skilful and intelligent people, destroyed because
it would not listen to its prophet.
The tribe of Thamud existed about 200 years after the tribe of 'Ad.
They lived in an area which is now near the border between Syria and
Arabia. They carved their homes out of rocks. Some of those rock
habitations, called asalib, are still in existence (Muhajir, pp
49-50). They are often mentioned in the Qur'an inconjunction with the
tribe of Ad. The prophet who was sent to them was named Salih ( Peace
be upon him ).�
Salih ( Peace be upon him ),too, had only a very small band of
followers. The remaining townspeople were very much against Salih (
Peace be upon him ) and his teachings. A group of them were even
plotting to secretly do away with Salih ( Peace be upon him ), but
that was not part of Allah's plan so the plot failed.
A sign of Salih's ( Peace be upon him ) prophethood was sent by Allah
to the people of Thamud in the form of a she-camel. Salih ( Peace be
upon him ) instructed the people of Thamud to allow the camel to
pasture freely and to have its share of water. It was when they killed
the camel that they overstepped the limits placed by Allah, and their
destruction was inevitable.Salih ( Peace be upon him ) foretold that
within three days of having slain the camel disaster would come upon
them. It is not clear exactly what the disaster was. Some sort of
earthquake activity and some storms are mentioned. But the result was
the total destruction of the people of Thamud, with the exception of
Salih( Peace be upon him ) and his followers.
Thus we see again in the stories of these two prophets, Hud ( Peace be
upon him ) and Salih ( Peace be upon him ), how two powerful nations
were totally destroyed, because they did not heed Allah's warning.
Only the faithful were saved.�
You can read about Hud ( Peace be upon Him ) in theQur'an, Sura
7:65-72, Sura 11: 50-60, Sura 26:123-140, Sura 41:15-16, Sura
46:21-26, Sura 51:41-42, Sura 54:18-21, Sura 69:6-8, andSura 89:6-8.
You can read about Salih (Peace be upon Him ) in the Qur'an, Sura
Allergic asthma
Causes of asthma
Asthma often runs in atopic families. Children are also more likely to develop asthma if their mother smoked during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
Most people find several things trigger their asthma. Some of the mostcommon predisposing factors for asthma are allergies to:
*. House dust mites
*. Mould spores
*. Pollen
*. Pets
*. Food or food preservatives
Asthma triggers include:
*. Viral infections, such as colds and flu
*. Cigarette smoke
*. Certain forms of exercise, such as running
*. Exposure to cold, dry air
*. Laughing and other emotions
*. Medication containing aspirin
*. Drinks containing sulphur dioxide, such as squashes and lemon barley water
Symptoms of asthma
The main symptoms are coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and a tight feeling in the chest.
Asthma treatments
There are two main treatments for asthma:
*. Relievers - salbutamol and terbutaline
*. Preventers - beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone, mometasone and ciclesonide
These come in a variety ofdelivery devices, such as aerosol or powder inhalers and nebulisers. You breathe the medicine in through your mouth, directly into your lungs.
Relievers are drugs called bronchodilators (based onadrenaline) that relax the muscles which surround the airways, making it easier to breathe. You should take these as directed by your doctor assoon as symptoms appear.
Taking a dose of the reliever inhaler before exercise will increase yourstamina and prevent breathing difficulty.
Preventers are drugs (usually low-dose steroids) that reduce inflammation in the airways and make them less sensitive. This means you're less likely to react when exposed to a trigger.
The protective effect of this medicine is built up over a period of time, so you must take your preventer regularly, as directed by your doctor.
Combination preventer and long-acting reliever (formoterol and salmeterol) inhalers have become popular and seem to be particularly good at controlling more severe and persistent asthma.
If your asthma is really bad, your doctor may alsoprescribe a short course ofsteroid tablets to calm your inflamed airways.
Newer anti-inflammatory medication includes leukotriene receptor antagonists (montelukast and zafirlukast), which areparticularly useful for brittle asthma and patients with aspirin-sensitive asthma.
The most recent addition to the list of possible treatments for asthma is anew injection medication (omalizumab) for those with severe allergic asthma, which works by dampening down the IgE allergic reaction.
An older orally administered bronchodilator, theophylline, isn't often used these days owing to its unpredictable toxic side-effects and need for blood testing.
There is little scientific evidence to support the use of breathing exercises,such as Buteyko, in the treatment of asthma. However, some people with asthma find breathing exercises calm their symptoms and reduce their need for reliever medication.
Preventing asthma
You can help to avoid asthma attacks by taking preventer medicine regularly and avoiding your triggers. You can also monitor your asthmaby asking your doctor to provide you with a peak flow meter, a simple device that measures the amount of breath in your lungs.
Most childhood asthma is caused by an allergy. Skin-prick and RAST tests may be able to discover the allergen. Practical steps can then be taken toavoid it, be it house dust mites, cats, dogs or other pets. Even mould spores and pollen grains can trigger seasonal asthma attacks.
If you're prone to sudden or severe asthma attacks, keep asthma diary cards and a peak flow meter on hand to monitor your lung airflow so you can take early action.
Discuss an asthma action plan with your GP, who may issue an emergency supply of oral steroid pills.You may need to increase your medication dosage ifyour peak flow measurement drops steadily.
Remember, never stop taking your preventer medication, even when your symptoms are stable. Don't wait until your symptoms get worse- they'll be harder to treat./
Asthma often runs in atopic families. Children are also more likely to develop asthma if their mother smoked during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
Most people find several things trigger their asthma. Some of the mostcommon predisposing factors for asthma are allergies to:
*. House dust mites
*. Mould spores
*. Pollen
*. Pets
*. Food or food preservatives
Asthma triggers include:
*. Viral infections, such as colds and flu
*. Cigarette smoke
*. Certain forms of exercise, such as running
*. Exposure to cold, dry air
*. Laughing and other emotions
*. Medication containing aspirin
*. Drinks containing sulphur dioxide, such as squashes and lemon barley water
Symptoms of asthma
The main symptoms are coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and a tight feeling in the chest.
Asthma treatments
There are two main treatments for asthma:
*. Relievers - salbutamol and terbutaline
*. Preventers - beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone, mometasone and ciclesonide
These come in a variety ofdelivery devices, such as aerosol or powder inhalers and nebulisers. You breathe the medicine in through your mouth, directly into your lungs.
Relievers are drugs called bronchodilators (based onadrenaline) that relax the muscles which surround the airways, making it easier to breathe. You should take these as directed by your doctor assoon as symptoms appear.
Taking a dose of the reliever inhaler before exercise will increase yourstamina and prevent breathing difficulty.
Preventers are drugs (usually low-dose steroids) that reduce inflammation in the airways and make them less sensitive. This means you're less likely to react when exposed to a trigger.
The protective effect of this medicine is built up over a period of time, so you must take your preventer regularly, as directed by your doctor.
Combination preventer and long-acting reliever (formoterol and salmeterol) inhalers have become popular and seem to be particularly good at controlling more severe and persistent asthma.
If your asthma is really bad, your doctor may alsoprescribe a short course ofsteroid tablets to calm your inflamed airways.
Newer anti-inflammatory medication includes leukotriene receptor antagonists (montelukast and zafirlukast), which areparticularly useful for brittle asthma and patients with aspirin-sensitive asthma.
The most recent addition to the list of possible treatments for asthma is anew injection medication (omalizumab) for those with severe allergic asthma, which works by dampening down the IgE allergic reaction.
An older orally administered bronchodilator, theophylline, isn't often used these days owing to its unpredictable toxic side-effects and need for blood testing.
There is little scientific evidence to support the use of breathing exercises,such as Buteyko, in the treatment of asthma. However, some people with asthma find breathing exercises calm their symptoms and reduce their need for reliever medication.
Preventing asthma
You can help to avoid asthma attacks by taking preventer medicine regularly and avoiding your triggers. You can also monitor your asthmaby asking your doctor to provide you with a peak flow meter, a simple device that measures the amount of breath in your lungs.
Most childhood asthma is caused by an allergy. Skin-prick and RAST tests may be able to discover the allergen. Practical steps can then be taken toavoid it, be it house dust mites, cats, dogs or other pets. Even mould spores and pollen grains can trigger seasonal asthma attacks.
If you're prone to sudden or severe asthma attacks, keep asthma diary cards and a peak flow meter on hand to monitor your lung airflow so you can take early action.
Discuss an asthma action plan with your GP, who may issue an emergency supply of oral steroid pills.You may need to increase your medication dosage ifyour peak flow measurement drops steadily.
Remember, never stop taking your preventer medication, even when your symptoms are stable. Don't wait until your symptoms get worse- they'll be harder to treat./
தமிழ்ச் சமுதாயம் - தமிழுக்காக தமிழர்களுக்காக ஒரு பகுதி
சகலரும் அறிந்திருக்க வேண்டிய 100 மருத்துவக் குறிப்புகள்- இப்பவே நோட் பண்ணுங்க!
1. விபத்தில் காயம்பட்டவரை அவசரத்தில் கண்டபடி தூக்கிச் செல்லக் கூடாது.
படுக்க வைத்து மட்டுமே தூக்கிச் செல்ல வேண்டும். ஒருவேளை தண்டுவடம்
பாதிக்கப்படாமல் இருந்து, நீங்கள் உடலை மடக்கித் தூக்குவதன் மூலம் அது
பாதிப்படையலாம். உடல் பாகங்கள் செயல் இழந்து, நிலைமையை மேலும்
சிக்கலாக்கிவிடு ம்.
2. எலும்பு முறிவு ஏற்பட்டால், எக்ஸ்-ரே எடுத்துப் பார்க்காமல்
குத்துமதிப்பாகக ் கட்டுப்போட்டுக் கொள்ளாதீர்கள். ஏனென்றால், எலும்புகள்
கோணல்மாணலாக சேர்ந்துகொள்ளவு ம், தசைகள் தாறுமாறாக ஒட்டிக்கொள்ளவும ்
வாய்ப்பு இருக்கிறது. இதனால்… கால்கள் கோணலாக, குட்டையாக மாறக்கூடிய
ஆபத்து இருக்கிறது.
3. பிஸியோதெரபி என்பது இயற்கை வலி நிவாரணி. மாதக் கணக்கில் வலி நிவராணி
மாத்திரைகள் சாப்பிடுவதன் மூலம் குணமாகும் பிரச்னையை, வாரக் கணக்கிலேயே
குணமாக்கிவிடும் .
4. எலும்பு உறுதிக்கு கால்சியத்தைவிட, புரொட்டீன்ஸ் மிக முக்கியம்.
புரொட்டீன்ஸ் புடவை எனில், அதில் உள்ள டிசைன்ஸ்தான் கால்சியம். பருப்பு
வகை, சோயா, காளான், முட்டை, இறைச்சி போன்றவற்றில் புரொட்டீன்ஸ் அதிகமாக
5. எடை குறைவான இருசக்கர வாகனங்களைப் பயன்படுத்துவோர் , மிக மெதுவாக
செல்ல வேண்டும். வேகமாக செல்லும்போது ஏற்படும் அதிர்வுகள் நேரடியாக
முதுகு, கழுத்து மற்றும் இடுப்புப் பகுதியைப் பாதிக்கும்.
6. எலும்புகள், 25 வயது வரைதான்பலம் பெறும். அதன்பிறகு மெள்ள வலுவிழக்க
ஆரம்பிக்கும். எனவே, குழந்தைப் பருவத்திலிருந்த ு 25 வயது வரை சாப்பிடும்
சத்தானஉணவுகள்தான் எலும்பை உறுதிப்படுத்தும ். அதன் பிறகு
சாப்பிடுவதெல்லா ம் எலும்புகளின் வலு குறையும் வேகத்தை குறைக்க மட்டுமே
7. வயதான காலத்தில் தடுமாறி விழுந்தால் முதுகு எலும்பு, இடுப்பு எலும்பு
உடைந்து போக வாய்ப்பு அதிகம். வயதானவர்கள் நடமாடும் பகுதிகளில் தரை
வழவழப்பாக இருக்கக் கூடாது. நல்ல வெளிச்சத்தோடு இருக்க வேண்டும்.
கார்ப்பெட்டில் கூட தடுக்கி விழலாம். எனவே, அவர்கள் எதையாவது பிடித்தபடி
நடப்பதற்கு வழி செய்ய வேண்டும்.
1. விபத்தில் காயம்பட்டவரை அவசரத்தில் கண்டபடி தூக்கிச் செல்லக் கூடாது.
படுக்க வைத்து மட்டுமே தூக்கிச் செல்ல வேண்டும். ஒருவேளை தண்டுவடம்
பாதிக்கப்படாமல் இருந்து, நீங்கள் உடலை மடக்கித் தூக்குவதன் மூலம் அது
பாதிப்படையலாம். உடல் பாகங்கள் செயல் இழந்து, நிலைமையை மேலும்
சிக்கலாக்கிவிடு ம்.
2. எலும்பு முறிவு ஏற்பட்டால், எக்ஸ்-ரே எடுத்துப் பார்க்காமல்
குத்துமதிப்பாகக ் கட்டுப்போட்டுக் கொள்ளாதீர்கள். ஏனென்றால், எலும்புகள்
கோணல்மாணலாக சேர்ந்துகொள்ளவு ம், தசைகள் தாறுமாறாக ஒட்டிக்கொள்ளவும ்
வாய்ப்பு இருக்கிறது. இதனால்… கால்கள் கோணலாக, குட்டையாக மாறக்கூடிய
ஆபத்து இருக்கிறது.
3. பிஸியோதெரபி என்பது இயற்கை வலி நிவாரணி. மாதக் கணக்கில் வலி நிவராணி
மாத்திரைகள் சாப்பிடுவதன் மூலம் குணமாகும் பிரச்னையை, வாரக் கணக்கிலேயே
குணமாக்கிவிடும் .
4. எலும்பு உறுதிக்கு கால்சியத்தைவிட, புரொட்டீன்ஸ் மிக முக்கியம்.
புரொட்டீன்ஸ் புடவை எனில், அதில் உள்ள டிசைன்ஸ்தான் கால்சியம். பருப்பு
வகை, சோயா, காளான், முட்டை, இறைச்சி போன்றவற்றில் புரொட்டீன்ஸ் அதிகமாக
5. எடை குறைவான இருசக்கர வாகனங்களைப் பயன்படுத்துவோர் , மிக மெதுவாக
செல்ல வேண்டும். வேகமாக செல்லும்போது ஏற்படும் அதிர்வுகள் நேரடியாக
முதுகு, கழுத்து மற்றும் இடுப்புப் பகுதியைப் பாதிக்கும்.
6. எலும்புகள், 25 வயது வரைதான்பலம் பெறும். அதன்பிறகு மெள்ள வலுவிழக்க
ஆரம்பிக்கும். எனவே, குழந்தைப் பருவத்திலிருந்த ு 25 வயது வரை சாப்பிடும்
சத்தானஉணவுகள்தான் எலும்பை உறுதிப்படுத்தும ். அதன் பிறகு
சாப்பிடுவதெல்லா ம் எலும்புகளின் வலு குறையும் வேகத்தை குறைக்க மட்டுமே
7. வயதான காலத்தில் தடுமாறி விழுந்தால் முதுகு எலும்பு, இடுப்பு எலும்பு
உடைந்து போக வாய்ப்பு அதிகம். வயதானவர்கள் நடமாடும் பகுதிகளில் தரை
வழவழப்பாக இருக்கக் கூடாது. நல்ல வெளிச்சத்தோடு இருக்க வேண்டும்.
கார்ப்பெட்டில் கூட தடுக்கி விழலாம். எனவே, அவர்கள் எதையாவது பிடித்தபடி
நடப்பதற்கு வழி செய்ய வேண்டும்.
Natural Health and Environmental Research
Natural Health and Environmental Research
Why We Shout In Anger
"Why We Shout In Anger"
A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group
offamily members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He
turned tohis disciples smiled 'n asked.
'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?'
Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our
calm, we shout.'
'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you?
You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.' asked
the saint
Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfiedthe other disciples.
Finally the saint explained,.
'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot.
To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other.
The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear
each other to cover that great distance. What happens when two people
fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because
their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either
nonexistent or very small...'
The saint continued, 'Whenthey love each other even more, what
happens? Theydo not speak, only whisper'n they get even closer to each
other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only
look at each other 'n that's all. That is how close two people are
when they loveeach other.'
He looked at his disciples 'n said.
'So when you argue do notlet your hearts get distant, Do not say words
that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the
distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.'
Why We Shout In Anger
"Why We Shout In Anger"
A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group
offamily members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He
turned tohis disciples smiled 'n asked.
'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?'
Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our
calm, we shout.'
'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you?
You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.' asked
the saint
Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfiedthe other disciples.
Finally the saint explained,.
'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot.
To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other.
The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear
each other to cover that great distance. What happens when two people
fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because
their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either
nonexistent or very small...'
The saint continued, 'Whenthey love each other even more, what
happens? Theydo not speak, only whisper'n they get even closer to each
other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only
look at each other 'n that's all. That is how close two people are
when they loveeach other.'
He looked at his disciples 'n said.
'So when you argue do notlet your hearts get distant, Do not say words
that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the
distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.'
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