Friday, December 27, 2013

General Articles, - A protein that prevents tumors in mother’s milk: The HAMLET Protein- visit-

· How does the HAMLET protein, which was lately discovered in
mother's milk, prevent the formation of tumors?
· What are the characteristics of mother's milk that change
according to the baby's need?
Proteins are basic bioactive molecules and they are required for
the cell to carry out its functions. Some proteins act individually
or together with other proteins. However, some of them need the help
of chemical compounds that are not proteins. These non-protein
molecules can be vitamins, minerals or metal ions. Vitamins or
inorganic substances are auxiliary proteins and they are generally
named as co-factors. Iron, magnesium, cobalt, copper, zinc, selenium
are common ions and auxiliary inorganic substances. These proteins
do quite amazing things when they get connected to their helpers.
One of the most interesting of these takes place in mother's milk.
Allah Creates the Protein Called HAMLET in Mother's Milk As a Result
of Miraculous Processes
Mother's milk is a matchless compound created by Allah in order to
meet the nutrition needs of the baby in full and to protect the baby
against possible infections. The balance of the nutrients in
mother's milk is in the most ideal measures, and in the best form
for the body systems of the immature baby. Mother's milk, which is
called "the miracle mixture" by scientists as the nutritional
values of this milk are at ideal measures, is very rich in
nutrients that make brain cells grow and accelerate the development
of the nervous system. Even a baby formula prepared with the latest
technology cannot replace this miracle food. New benefits of
mother's milk are found every day as a result of research.
As is known, mother's milk includes many enzymes, vitamins,
nucleotides and antibodies. However, scientists have discovered a
new protein in mother's milk lately.
This protein, which is the main protein in mother's milk and known
as "alpha- lactalbumin", gives mother's milk a superior quality with
respect to cow's milk. This is because the protein called
beta-lactalbumin in cow's milk is rejected by the baby's body.
A protein called alpha- lactalbumin is produced at the last stages of
pregnancy and nursing time. This protein helps the sugar called
lactose inside the milk to be synthesized and makes the baby sleep
easily and decreases the baby's tension. At the same time, when
this protein enters the baby's stomach, it combines with an
auxiliary protein called oleic acid. Oleic acid is a well-known
fatty acid also called OMEGA 9 (a basic component of olive oil). It
decreases blood pressure and prevents deadly diseases that affect
the brain. However, when alpha- lactalbumin and oleic acid are
combined, a miracle happens and they produce an alpha- lactalbumin
protein called "HAMLET" (short for H uman A lpha-lactalbumin M ade
LE thal to T umor cells) that is deadly to tumor cells in man.
HAMLET Destroys A Great Number of Tumor Cells
As a result of the studies conducted, it was proved that mother's
milk, about which hundreds of articles were published, protected
babies against cancer but its mechanism has not yet been understood
completely. This complex protein, which is produced only in the
baby's stomach, kills 40 different types of tumor cells. This
protein attacks the cell wall, enters inside and begins to change
their shape within half an hour after it combines with tumor cells
and kills them in six hours on average. However, the interesting
thing about this protein is that it can distinguish healthy cells
from tumor. Scientists have not yet understood how this protein
recognizes tumor cells. It is of course impossible that cells with
no mind or consciousness can distinguish between healthy cells and
tumor cells. These cells can distinguish between healthy and
dangerous cells only by Allah's inspiration. In the Qur'an, Allah's
sovereignty over all living things is revealed as such:
" I have put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is no
creature He does not hold by the forelock. My Lord is on a Straight
Path. " (Surah Hud, 56)
The interesting point is that the alpha- lactalbumin and oleic acid
that form this protein do not have the ability to destroy tumors on
their own. Alpha- lactalbumin and fatty acids exist naturally in
mother's milk. But they need to turn into a compound in the baby's
stomach to become the HAMLET protein that destroys the tumor. It is
of course a great miracle that Allah creates the cure before the
disease, and places all these molecules inside the milk that the
baby will drink.
When the protein in mother's milk, fatty acids and enzymes in the
baby's stomach are not created at the same time, their ability to
destroy tumors disappears. No doubt that this is one of the best
examples of Allah's flawless art of creation. In one verse it is
" His command when He desires a thing is just to say to it, 'Be!' and
it is. " (Surah Ya Sin, 82)
Allah Creates Mother's Milk According to the Baby's Needs
It is clear that the mother has not decided by herself to produce
mother's milk, which is the most ideal nutrient for her baby, born
in need of protection and nutrition, on her own. Therefore, the
nutritional values of the mother's milk are not determined by the
mother; this is because the mother cannot possibly know the
nutrients required for her baby moment to moment. The mother cannot
control the contents of the milk that are formed inside her body.
Even if its qualities are not completely defined, the mother's milk
changes according to the growth phases of the baby, and the milk's
content differs according to the nutrients the baby needs during a
certain period. Almighty Allah, Who knows the needs of every being
and grants them, creates mother's milk inside the mother's body for
the baby:
Milk is a colostrum in the first days the baby is born, so it is
rich in protein and antibodies. This milk strengthens the baby's
immune system and helps the baby's digestive system develop.
After the first three to four days, the milk turns into a thinner,
more fluid and sweet form. This is for the baby's thirst. Sugars,
proteins and minerals are there according to the baby's need. This
milk is low in fat and rich in carbohydrates.
In time, milk takes a thicker and creamier form. This is to appease
the baby. At the same time, the IgA level is high from the 10 th day
to at least seven and a half months. The antibodies of this milk
are individualized, meaning different compositions according to
every baby's need. This is because Allah had created a special
system for this. As the mother touches and hugs the baby, the
mother's body communicates with pathogens that colonize the baby,
and the mother's body produces the suitable antibodies and immune
In the milk of mothers who cast, miraculously, there is more fat,
sodium, chloride and iron according to the baby's need. However, in
babies who are premature and feed with their own mothers' milk,
superiorities such as better sight and better results in IQ tests
have been observed.
There is very little iron in mother's milk, because iron is a
magnet for bacteria and gut flora; if there were too much iron in
milk, this might have caused an infection.
Allah creates special treatments and a special nutrient that contains
medicine for the baby. The production center of this medicine is
the mother's body. The mother's body detects the invaders by caring
only for the baby. This situation is so perfect that it cannot be
explained by coincidences. There is no doubt that Allah creates a
very special connection between the baby and the mother. It is
revealed in the verse:
" We have instructed man concerning his parents. Bearing him caused
his mother great debility and the period of his weaning was two
years: 'Give thanks to Me and to your parents. I am your final
destination. " (Surah Luqman, 14).
Mother's milk is the nutrient that the baby can digest most easily.
Even though it is a very rich nutritional drink, its digestion is
very easy in accordance with the baby's sensitive systems. So as
the baby uses less energy to digest nutrients, it can use its
energy for other bodily functions, growth and development of organs.
Mother's milk, which is always ready with its ideal temperature, plays
an important role in brain development with the sugars and fats it
includes. Besides this, elements such as calcium play a major role in
the baby's bone development. Even though this miraculous mixture is
named as milk, 90% of mother's milk is actually composed of water.
This is also a very important aspect, because babies also need water
as liquid as well as nutrients. Water and other foreign substances
other than mother's milk may not be so hygienic. However, the baby's
need of water is met with mother's milk, 90% of which is water.
HAMLET Is the Most Effective Medicine Yet Produced in the World
1- It kills a wide variety of tumor cells. However, it does not
touch healthy and mature cells.
2- It kills more than 40 tumor cells, even those very difficult
to treat with medicines.
3- It kills tumor cells with a natural and non-toxic mechanism.
Therefore, it does not harm healthy tissues, in contrast to cancer
4- It exists naturally in human milk and causes lower risk of
cancer in children that feed with mother's milk and in their
Almighty Allah, the All-Knowing, created mother's milk and HAMLET,
which is an important protein complex in this milk, as one of the
strongest medicines. Our Lord's name "Al-Shafi" (One Who gives
health) is revealed in one verse as such:
"And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me;" (Surah ash-Shu'arah, 80)

General Articles, - The protein that reveals the heart’s ability to repair itself: Thymosin Beta-4- visit-

Beyond all the miraculous systems in the body, the heart by itself
is one of the finest examples of flawless creation. No similar
artificial mechanism that "can keep someone alive" has thus far been
built, despite all the recent scientific advances. With the cells
that comprise it, its special valve systems and the manner in which
the opening and closing of these valves is regulated, the heart is
an organ with exceptionally complex and special systems. No other
organ can do anything like the work it performs.
· What happens in the event of an impairment in the functioning of this organ?
· How can the heart repair itself following a heart attack?
· What role does the thymosin beta-4 (TB4) molecule play in the
heart's self-repair?
Although it is only 22 days since its creation, a small collection
of cells on the left side of the fetus begins to move. This
collection of cells will never stop now, not for a very long time.
It will never tire. It will beat approximately 70 times per minute,
some 35 million times per year, and around two trillion times over
the course of an average life span. It will pump some 227 million
liters of blood over the course of a lifetime. It will tirelessly
feed all the organs of the body through the network of blood
vessels . The heart functions perfectly in every body because Allah
so chooses, and everything it does is under our Lord's control at
every moment. Allah exhibits His artistry of detail in the human
body and reveals this in a verse:
" Allah brought you out of your mothers' wombs knowing nothing at
all, and gave you hearing, sight and hearts so that perhaps you
would show thanks." (Surat an-Nahl, 78)
This organ, the foundation of life, also uses blood to nourish
itself. However, in order to remind people of their weakness, our
Lord may sometimes cause the vessels that feed the heart to narrow,
using such natural causes as cholesterol (blood fats), other fats,
calcium and combinations of other substances. This then leads to
impaired circulation in the blood vessels (coronary arteries) that
supply the heart, finally resulting in a heart defect. When the
narrowing of the vessels turns into complete blockage over the
course of time, the result is severe chest pain and a heart attack.
This generally proves fatal, though some victims do survive. But
their hearts still suffer damage from the attack.
Recent studies have once again shown Almighty Allah's love for and
mercy on His servants. Because a protein that the heart produces
during the developmental stage in children enables the damaged
heart to be repaired and increases the vessels supplying it.
The Healing Power of the Heart: Thymosin Beta-4
During a heart attack, heart cells die when the flow of blood to the
heart is suddenly cut off, resulting in irreparable damage. This
damage persists in the form of a decreased quality of life in the
patient's later life.
Until recently it used to be thought that, unlike other organs, the
heart had no ability to repair itself. Today, however, we know that
this damage can be put right by the body. The protein thymosin beta-4
(TB4), which plays a key role in the development of the heart in
children, activates stem cells that are lie dormant in the adult
heart. These tiny proteins, known as thymosin, which comes in two
forms in living tissue, α 1 and β 4, possess the ability to
reprogram cells in the body. The protein is today administered in
the form of a drug, and sends the stem cells a code regarding the
repair of the heart. The heart thus heals itself without the need
for other treatment. Administered in pharmaceutical form, this
protein improves heart performance by up to 25% by causing stem
cells to turn into heart and artery cells. It repairs the damaged
heart cells, increases the arteries supplying the heart and permits
the muscles to repair themselves.
Allah, the Creator of All, Is Most Great
Events in our body that we are unaware of, and whose existence we
have usually never even heard of, take place inside us with the
greatest regularity. Our heartbeat, essential for our survival, is
not something we initiate or maintain of our own will. Our heart is
one of the organs miraculously created by our Lord. This organ
begins beating as a collection of cells when a person is still in his
mother's womb, and continues to flawlessly discharge its duties
until the end of that person's life.
Research in recent years has revealed that in the event of a defect
arising in this immaculately functioning organ, various proteins go
into action to repair it. However, proteins themselves possess no
such medical knowledge with which to identify defects developing in
the heart, and lack the consciousness to save a person's life by
taking such precautions. Yet they are present in everyone's body
and ready to serve the same function. A protein with such superior
properties is neither the product of human intelligence nor of any
supposed evolutionary process. It was created by Allah, He who
bestows order, glory and perfection on all He creates. Allah is He
Who meets the needs of all created things ( Kafi ), He Who enfolds
them ( Muhit ) and Who is mighty enough to do all that He wishes, in
the manner He wishes ( Kadir ). He is the only One to be thanked and
praised ( Hamid ). He is the One who creates without previous
models ( Bedi ). This is revealed in the following verse:
"the Originator of the heavens and earth. When He decides on
something, He just says to it, 'Be!' and it is." (Surat al-Baqara,
The heart is made up of special muscles that never tire. If your
heart muscles were to tire in doing things that cause you fatigue,
then you could never do such routine day-to-day activities as
cleaning, sport, climbing up stairs and the like. You would be
exhausted before you even began. But apart from exceptional
diseases, this never happens. Because Allah manifests His infinite
mercy on His servants by bestowing tirelessness on the muscles of
the heart. There is no doubt that this is one of the matchless
works of our Lord, who knows all things down to the finest detail
and Who manifests His omniscience in every detail. The omniscience
of Allah is revealed in the following verse:
"... My Lord encompasses all things in His knowledge so will you
not pay heed?" (Surat al-An'am, 80)
There is a highly systematic mechanism in the heart. That mechanism is
essential for human life. Otherwise, a single flaw arising in the
system could spell the end of the life of the person concerned. The
most important of the heart's mechanisms is the pumps on its right and
left. There are also auricles and ventricles on both sides of the
heart. The small pumps on either side are the auricles, while the
ventricles constitute the large pumps. The left side of the heart is
occupied with clean blood. It is the task of the left auricle and
ventricle to ensure that incoming blood reaches the organs and
tissues. The right side of the heart is occupied with used (dirty)
blood. The right auricle and ventricle send the blood to the lungs for
The Heart Is An Immaculate Organ Created By Almighty Allah
It Pumps Blood with Ease: The heart is a piece of flesh the size of
a fist composed of water, fats and proteins. This piece of flesh
possesses a more perfect and complex system than the most advanced
technological pump that all the experts in the world could produce
using their computers. This matchless piece of flesh is strong
enough to cause blood to spout up to three meters in the air.
It Identifies Oxygen Requirements: The heart pumps as much blood as
it calculates the body needs. This wondrous organ pumps just four
to six liters of blood per minute when the body is at rest. That
is enough for the person at that time as the cells in the body do
not require that much oxygen just then. But someone doing
strenuous exercise needs more oxygen. Oxygen needs to be
transmitted to the cells more quickly. The heart immediately
identifies this need and begins beating faster. The amount of blood
pumped by the heart increases by four to seven times during
It Supports Tiring Muscles: The heart never stops working, but
sometimes it works even harder than usual. When one runs, the amount
of blood pumped by the heart can rise to 2,270 liters an hour. It
can raise its work rate from 70 beats per minute to 180 per minute
in order to provide the oxygen our tiring muscles need. It can
increase the amount of blood supplied to the tissues five-fold. When
our other muscles engage in a tiring activity, the heart
accelerates to support them.
It Coordinates the Auricles and Ventricles: The system in the heart
has perfect timing. That is the result of co-ordination and
communication among the cells that comprise the heart. The
noteworthy thing here, of course, is the "intelligence" in the cells
that act under the inspiration of Allah. The cells that make up the
heart send a current to the other side of the heart at a speed of
some 60 centimeters per second. The signal is sent from a region
known as the S.A. node. The cells that make up the S.A. node produce
the signal in just 1/14 of a second. There are cells that produce a
second current here, known as the A.V. node. The current sets the
two auricles into motion as it passes and causes them to contract in
order to collect blood. When the electric current, that is still
moving, reaches the ventricular muscles, special fibrous cells in
the muscle tissue between the right auricle and the right ventricle
halt it. This causes a delay in the current reaching the ventricle.
The speed of the current falls to 20 centimeters per second and it
begins being transmitted in 1/16 of a second. This delay is
exceedingly important. Because of it, the auricles fill with blood
before the ventricles contract, and are thus able to prepare
themselves to pump blood. This is the secret of the synchronized
action of the heart.

Dought & clear, - He divorced his wife because she was mentally ill, but he is still emotionally attached to her and wants advice- visit-

My ex-wife has bipolar disorder, and we have now separated, and I do
not intend to take her back. I love her very much; my heart wants to
take her back but my head says no. I would rather suffer the pain of
separation than go back to her, because then I would also go insane.
Such is this world; things will never be perfect. Praise be to Allah
for what He has decreed.
I need to be comforted and I need to be completely convinced, once and
for all, that I should keep away from her, because she still contacts
me by phone and I sometimes answer her, then she starts to swear at me
and insult me.
Praise be to Allah
It is part of Allah's decree for His universe that He has made this
world the realm of troubles and problems, sickness and separation,
exhaustion and tiredness, as trials for His slaves, to see whether
they will be patient or impatient, and so that they will long for the
Hereafter, Paradise and that which is with Allah, where there will be
no toil, distress, exhaustion, hardship, grief, death, sickness or
separation. This is Allah's decree for His universe, and the way of
Allah cannot be changed.
In your words there is the answer and remedy for what you are faced
with. Your relationship has come to an end with separation and
divorce, and you do not intend to take her back. She is sick,
suffering from a mental illness with which it is impossible to
establish a normal marital relationship. What appears to be the case
is that you tried but you did not succeed, so what comes next? Why
hold onto a rope that has already been cut off? Why live in the shadow
of wishful thinking and impossibilities?
You gave a clear answer to these questions, and we appreciate your
openness: "my heart wants to take her back but my head says no." This
is the entire story and the entire solution. The heart is inclined but
reason corrects you and prevents you from stepping onto that slippery
But you have to give precedence to strengthening the resolve of your
mind, so that you can forget about her completely. That may take some
time, but in the end it will come, according to your strength, resolve
and certain faith that Allah will compensate you with something better
than her and will compensate you for the calamity with something
better and will reward you for what you have suffered.
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
If there is no way for the lover to reach his beloved, either because
it is not divinely decreed for him, or because of some shar'i
impediment, or both, then this is an insurmountable problem. Part of
the remedy is to make himself lose hope and despair (of ever reaching
his beloved), because when one loses hope in something, he will be
relieved of worrying about it and will stop paying attention to it.
If the sickness of love continues even though he has given up hope,
then this is a sign that he has developed some serious psychological
problems. In that case he should move on to another remedy, which is
to address his mind and think rationally, because it is known that
being emotionally attached to that which one has no hope of attaining
is a kind of insanity; the one who is afflicted with that is like one
who falls in love with the sun and thinks constantly of claiming up to
it and running in its orbit with it. Such a person is regarded as
insane by all rational people.
End quote fromZaad al-Ma'aad, 4/251
You are still young, as you stated in the details you gave that you
are thirty-four years old. It is not fair, it makes no sense and it is
not wise to spend your life regretting what you missed or something
that cannot possibly come back under any circumstances. Look for
another wife who is suitable for you, and start a new page in your
life. Life does not stop because of separation or failure, and nothing
could you make you forget a woman except another woman who is more
suitable for you.
Ask Allah for guidance (istikhaarah) and look for a wife who will
bring you happiness, and cut off all ties with your ex-wife, once and
for all, because she is no longer permissible for you now, as you are
divorced, and there is no point in keeping in touch with one another
on the phone. If you can change your phone number, then do so, so as
to stop her calling you and causing you distress.
It should be noted that forgetting may take some time; as we said,
that depends on your strengths and determination. Ask the Controller
of the hearts to remove from your heart whatever is left of this
relationship and ask Him, may He be glorified, to reward you for your
calamity and to compensate you with someone better than her.
We ask Allah to grant you peace of mind, a bright future, and a
righteous wife who will compensate you for what you have missed, and
that Allah will grant you the reward of those who are patient.
And Allah knows best.

Dought & clear, - If he apostatized then repented, and he owed prayers, fasts or zakaah before he apostatized, then he must make themup- visit-

There is someone who apostatized, and before he apostatized, he had
some prayers and fasts that he had to make up but did not. If he comes
back to Islam, does he still have to make them up, or is everything
erased and does he become like someone who is new in Islam?
Praise be to Allah
If the apostate repents, he does not have to make up prayers or fasts
that he did not do during the time of apostasy, because repentance
erases what came before it.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked:
Does the apostate have to make up prayers and fasts if he comes back
to Islam and repents?
He replied:
He does not have to make them up; whoever repents, Allah accepts his
repentance. If a person does not pray, or he does something that
nullifies Islam, then Allah guides him and he repents, then he does
not have to make them up.
This is the correct scholarly view, because Islam erases that which
came before it, and repentance erases that which came before it.
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, said:"Say to those who have
disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be
forgiven" [al-Anfaal 8:38]. Here Allah, may He be glorified and
exalted, states that if the disbeliever becomes Muslim, Allah will
forgive him everything that he did in the past.
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
"Repentance erases that which came before it, and Islam erases that
which came before it."
End quote fromMajmoo' Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 29/196
See also the answer to question no. 197247
But if before he apostatized, the apostate had missed some prayers or
fasts or zakaah, then he must make them up, according to the majority
of scholars.
It says inal-Mawsoo'ah al-Fiqhiyyah(22/201-202):
If the apostate who has repented owed some prayers or fasts or zakaah
that he missed before he apostatized, does he have to make them up?
The majority of Hanafi, Shaafa'i and Hanbali fuqaha' are of the view
that it is obligatory to make them up, because omitting an act of
worship is a sin, and sins remain after apostatizing. End quote.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: In
the case of the apostate, he is not obliged to make up prayers, zakaah
and fasts that he missed during his apostasy, according to the
well-known scholarly view, but he has to make up anything that he
missed before he apostatized, according to the well-known view.
And Allah knows best.

Dought & clear, - Ishraaq prayer is Sunnah and is not obligatory- visit-

It is obligatory to offer salaat ash-shurooq (prayer following sunrise)?
Praise be to Allah
Salaat al-ishraaq is a two-rak'ah prayer that is offered after the sun
has risen and become high, for those who pray Fajr in congregation in
the mosque, then sit in the place where they prayed, remembering
Allah, may He be exalted, until they pray two rak'ahs.
Concerning its virtue, the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be
upon him) said: "Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, then sits
remembering Allah until the sun rises, then prays two rak'ahs, will
have a reward like that of Hajj and 'Umrah, complete, complete,
Narrated by at-Tirmidhi (586), from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be
pleased with him).
There is a difference of scholarly opinion as to the soundness of this
hadeeth. It was classed as da'eef (weak) by some scholars and classed
as hasan (good) by others. Among those who classed it as hasan was
al-Albaani (may Allah have mercy on him) inSaheeh Sunan at-Tirmidhi.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about it and
said: This hadeeth has isnaads that are fine, thus it is regarded as
coming under the heading of hasan because of corroborating evidence.
This prayer is mustahabb after the sun has risen and reached the
height of a spear, that is approximately fifteen or twenty minutes
after the sun rises.
End quote fromFataawa ash-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 25/171
This prayer is mustahabb (encouraged), not obligatory, and it comes
under the heading of Duha prayer, because the time for Duha prayer
lasts from when the sun has risen high until just before the zenith
(the time of Zuhr).
With regard to Duha prayer being Sunnah and mustahabb, it was narrated
by al-Bukhaari (1178) and Muslim (721) that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be
pleased with him) said: My beloved (blessings and peace of Allah be
upon him) advised me to do three things, which I will not forsake so
long as I live: to fast three days of each month, to pray Duha, and
not to sleep until I pray Witr.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah be pleased with him) was asked about
Ishraaq and Duha prayer, and replied: The Sunnah of Ishraaq is (the
same as) the Sunnah of Duha, but if it is done early, from the time
when the sun has risen to the height of a spear, then it is Ishraaq
prayer; if it is done at the end of its time or in the middle of its
time, then it is Duha prayer. But it is (all) Duha prayer, because the
scholars (may Allah be pleased with them) said that the time of Duha
prayer lasts from when the sun has risen to the height of a spear
until just before the zenith.