Saturday, September 8, 2012

Does Allah see us?

Allah sees us and knows everything about us. He knows us better than
we know ourselves. There is not a leaf on a tree that blows away, or
stays in its place except that He knows it. There is not a dry spot,
nor a wet spot, nor a grain in the depths of the earth except that
Allah knows it.

1a] I Would Like to Repent, But!...

But, as the boy was walking an enemy took hold of him, tied him and
carried him away to the land of the enemies. There his master treated
him exactly in the opposite manner. So that whenever the boy
remembered his father and his treatment, his eyes swelled with tears,
and the heart with pain. He was in this condition of ill-treatment at
the hands of his enemies, when their caravan happened to pass by his
father's place again. As he looked around he found his father standing
nearby. He ran to him andthrew himself at him crying "My father! My
veryfather!". His master followed him and was trying to pull him away,
but the boy clung to his father, refusing to let him go. What do you
think of this father? Do you think he will abandon him to the enemy,
refusing to take back the child? If not,then what is your opinionof
the Lord whose love of His creation is greater than the love of a
father for his child? When a slave of His runs away from his enemies,
and throws himself at the threshold of His door, rolling down in dust
before him, saying: "O my Lord! Have mercy upon him who has no one to
show Mercy save You, no Helper save you, no refuge save You, no
Saviorsave You, I am Your slave,in Your need, dependent on You, beggar
at Your door, You are the refuge, with You is the shelter, there is
refuge but with You, nor escape from You except to You" then surely
the Lord is not going to turn him back empty handed.
Come along then. On to the good deeds, to virtuous living, in the
company of the righteous,steering yourself safe from deviations after
the right direction, and misguidance after guidance. And Allah is with

Mullah Nasruddin

As Nasruddin emerged form the mosque after prayers, a beggar sitting
on the street solicited alms. The following conversation followed:
- Are you extravagant? asked Nasruddin.
- Yes Nasruddin. replied the beggar.
- Do you like sitting around drinking coffee and smoking? asked Nasruddin.
- Yes. replied the beggar.
- I suppose you like to goto the baths everyday? asked Nasruddin.
- Yes. replied the beggar.
- ... And maybe amuse yourself, even, by drinking with friends? asked Nasruddin.
- Yes I like all those things. replied the beggar.
- Tut, Tut, said Nasruddin, and gave hima gold piece.
A few yards farther on. another beggar who hadoverheard the
conversation begged for alms also.
- Are you extravagant? asked Nasruddin.
- No, Nasruddin replied second beggar.
- Do you like sitting around drinking coffee and smoking? asked Nasruddin.
- No. replied second beggar.
- I suppose you like to goto the baths everyday? asked Nasruddin.
- No. replied second beggar.
- ... And maybe amuse yourself, even, by drinking with friends? asked Nasruddin.
- No, I want to only live meagerly and to pray. replied second beggar.
Whereupon the Nasruddin gave him a small copper coin.
- But why, wailed secondbeggar, do you give me, an economical and pious
man, a penny, when you give that extravagant fellow a sovereign?
Ah my friend, replied Nasruddin, his needs are greater than yours.
One day Nasruddin went to a banquet. As he was dressed rather
shabbily, no one let him in. So he ran home, put on his best robe and
fur coat and returned. Immediately, the host came over, greeted him
and ushered him to the head of an elaborate banquet table. When the
food was served, Nasruddin took some soup with spoon and pushed it to
the his fur coat and said, - Eat my fur coat, eat! It's obvious that
you're the real guest of honor today, not me!
One hot day, Nasruddin was taking it easy in the shade of a walnut
tree. After a time, he started eying speculatively, the huge pumpkins
growingon vines and the small walnuts growing on a majestic tree.
- Sometimes I just can't understand the ways of God! he mused. Just
fancy letting tinny walnuts grow on so majestic a tree and
hugepumpkins on the delicate vines!
Just then a walnut snapped off and fell smack on Mullah Nasruddin's
bald head. He got up at once and lifting up his hands and face to
heavens in supplication, said:
- Oh, my God! Forgive myquestioning your ways! You are all-wise. Where
would I have been now, if pumpkins grew on trees!